Please join Dr. Tara Harshaw, Director of Special Education for Springdale regarding the 2020-2021 School Year for Special Education Families. In English, Spanish and Marshallese
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Lakeside parents: Please see letter attached from Lakeside principal Dr. Michael Shepherd that explains in detail the Learning Model options for Lakeside students this fall, and link to a parent survey (at the bottom of the letter) to indicate choice of Learning Models for this school year. (note: Spanish translation is below)
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Padres de Lakeside: consulte la carta adjunta del director de Lakeside, Dr. Michael Shepherd, que explica en detalle las opciones del Modelo de aprendizaje para los estudiantes de Lakeside este otoño y enlace a una encuesta para padres (en la parte inferior de la carta) para indicar la elección de los Modelos de aprendizaje para este año escolar:
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Breaking news: Lakeside JHS Counselor Lauren Willis was named today as the Middle Level Counselor of the Year for the state of Arkansas!   Lauren was named the NW Arkansas Middle Level Counselor of the Year back in the Spring, and today was named the state winner in an announcement by Laquietta Stewart, President of the Arkansas School Counselor Association.   Congratulations to Lauren!
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
FREE LUNCH locations are available during the summer for students aged 18 and under. They are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:30am-12:30pm at Sonora Middle School, JO Kelly Middle, Bayarri Elementary, Parson Hills Elementary, George Elementary, Jones Elementary, and Smith Elementary. Students will receive 2 lunch meals and 2 breakfast meals on Monday and Wednesday, and 1 of each on Friday. Children must be present to receive the meals. Check our webpage for more information about the free lunch program.
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Las ubicaciones de ALMUERZO GRATUITO están disponibles durante el verano para estudiantes de 18 años y menores. Están abiertos los lunes, miércoles y viernes de 11:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. en las escuelas intermedias Sonora, JO Kelly Middle, Bayarri Elementary, Parson Hills Elementary, George Elementary, Jones Elementary y Smith Elementary. Los estudiantes recibirán 2 almuerzos y 2 desayunos los lunes y miércoles, y 1 de cada uno los viernes. Los niños deben estar presentes para recibir las comidas. Consulte nuestra página web para obtener más información sobre el programa de almuerzo gratuito.
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Hello Lakeside parents. We have several important end of the year announcements. If your student has a school-issued chromebook, or any library or teacher books, those must be returned to the main office by the end of this week, Friday, May 22. Also, All school work is due by Friday of this week by email or into the blue mailbox on the front porch at Lakeside. Also, if you have any personal items in PE, athletic, or regular lockers, you need to come get it by Friday of this week. Any items not claimed by Friday may be discarded or donated after this week.. Please call the school office at 750-8885 to come claim your locker items this week.
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Students: If you have items in an athletic locker, PE locker, cheer locker, or regular locker that you need to get, please call the school office at 750-8885 and let us know when you will be here to pick them up. We will retrieve the items for you after you call the office and have them in a bag at the front door waiting on you. Please call first to give us time to go get your items. All items not claimed by May 15 will be discarded unless you call to ask us to hold them for you.
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Our AMI packets are available on the web at, or look for the AMI button on your schools' website. In addition to the required lessons, you'll find helpful resources for each grade level including videos and translations for grades K - 2. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued partnership and support. ------- Nuestros paquetes de AMI están disponibles en la web o busque el botón AMI en el sitio web de su escuela. Además de las lecciones requeridas, encontrará recursos útiles para cada nivel de grado, incluyendo videos y traducciones para los grados K - 2. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el maestro de su hijo si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias por su continua colaboración y apoyo. ------- AMI packet ko am rebed ilo website ne, ak bukot ilo AMI button eo ilo website eo an jikuul. Kakobabalok ilo lesson ko kom aikuj kommani, kom naaj loe resource ko renaaj lukkun jiban nan kajojo kireet labol ekoba video im ukook ko nan kilaaj K - 2. Jouj im kirlok rikaki eo an ajiri eo najim elane ewor am kajjitok. Kommol kin am wonmaanlok wot im paatnor ippam im barainwot jappoot ko am rellap.
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
This week, students should be working on AMI assignments for Days 25-29. Those assignments are located in the packets that students should already have with them, or downloaded from our website. New assignment packets that start with Day 30, which begins on May 4th, are now available to be picked up in the yellow bins on the front porch at Lakeside, or can be accessed online at the district webpage, You can pick those packets up this week or access them online for assignments that begin next Monday, May 4th. Also, if any student has items in a locker that they need to get, please call the office at 750-8885 and let us know which locker or we can look up the number for you. We will retrieve the items and have them at the front door for you to pick up. Any items not claimed by May 15 will be trashed or donated to charity. Students can turn in completed assignments at any time by emailing them to their individual teachers, or turning in paper work to the blue mailbox on the front porch at Lakeside. If students need any help with assignments, teachers are available during the day via email.
over 4 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Hola padres Los estudiantes trabajarán en tareas para los días 11 a 15 esta semana. Los nuevos paquetes están disponibles en línea en nuestra página web, o en el porche de Lakeside. Las sesiones en línea Zoom opcionales están disponibles para que los estudiantes obtengan ayuda de los maestros. Nuevamente, estos son opcionales para los estudiantes. Las tareas completadas pueden enviarse por correo electrónico o compartirse con los maestros de contenido o entregar el papeleo al buzón azul en el porche de Lakeside. Envíe un correo electrónico a los maestros o llame a nuestra oficina al 750-8885 si tiene alguna pregunta.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Hello Lakeside parents. Students will be working on assignments for Days 11 through 15 this week. New packets are available online at our webpage, or on the front porch at Lakeside. Optional Zoom online sessions are available for students to get help from teachers. Again, these are optional for students. Completed assignments can be emailed or shared with content teachers or turn in paper work to the blue mailbox on the front porch at Lakeside. Email teachers or call our office at 750-8885 if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Hello Lakeside parents and students. You can still pick up AMI packets for April 6-17 this weekend! The packet machines are available on the front porch at Lakeside.You can turn in any finished work in the blue mailbox. Packets can also be accessed online at our webpage and assignments can also be emailed or shared with teachers digitally.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Starting MONDAY, APRIL 6: OPTIONAL Zoom times for students to talk to teachers to get support for the AMI work. These are NOT required, but optional if students want to participate.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
New AMI packets (Days 11-20) are now available by clicking the button at the top of the screen. AMI work may be turned in by emailing it to teachers, or can be turned in to the blue mailbox on the front porch at Lakeside. Paper packets can also be picked up at Lakeside.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
UPDATE - NEW LOCATIONS ADDED: Lunches to go will be available for Springdale Public School students ages 18 and under Tuesday-Friday between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm at Hellstern, Sonora and Tyson Middle Schools and George, Parson Hills, Smith and Jones Elementary. Sacks will include breakfast for the following day. In addition sack lunches, which will include breakfast for the following day, will be delivered Tuesday-Friday with deliveries beginning at 11 am. Please see the list of stops below.
almost 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Bus Stop
If any student was absent Friday and did not get an Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) packet, you can check your school email, come by the office on Monday from 8:30-3:30 and pick up a hard copy, or access those documents through the AMI button on this website.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High
Springdale Public Schools will be on the Alternate Means of Instruction Plan this week, March 16 - March 20. Students are asked to complete their AMI daily assignments until school resumes. Please click below for lesson plans.
almost 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Springdale Public Schools Student-led conferences scheduled to take place during the week of March 16-20, 2020 are postponed. Information about rescheduling will be available at a later date. Las conferencias de Springdale Public Schools programas para la semana de marzo 16-20, 2020 son pospuestas. Más información será disponible lo más pronto posible.
almost 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Here is a link to a letter included in the packet that went home with students on Friday that explains how AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) days will work, should they be necessary.
almost 5 years ago, Lakeside Junior High